Striking Silhouette PicturesSilhouettes are the outlines appearing dark against a lighter
background, where the subjects (be it people, animals, objects or
buildings) are seen as black shapes without details.
When you take silhouette pictures there are some particular things
that require attention, from the extensive contrast between the
background and the subject, to the light that needs to shine from behind
of the subject.
Mystery and emotions – the mood is excellently transmitted to the
viewers of your silhouette photos. Enjoy these amazing examples of
Silhouette Photography.
Butterfly silhouette
Kid with a baloon
The tunnel of life
When photography turns social experience
Waiting for her entrance
Sun downer silhouette
Dancing Silhouettes
Bird silhouette
Boogie on, silhouette dude!
Silhouettes at down
Winding up
Fresh dinner
Spider Silhouette
Phillipine children silhouettes
The heron dance
June 7
The signal’s lost
Man and eagle
Silhouette art