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Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer Emptyالجمعة مايو 24, 2024 8:26 am من طرف محمد الجالودي

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 Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المشرف العام
المشرف العام

رقم العضوية : 2
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/05/2008
عدد الرسائل : 44997
العمر : 55
العمل/الترفيه : متقاعد
المزاج : رايق والحمد لله
نقاط : 56716

Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer   Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 15, 2012 4:47 am

Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer

Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer Kate-1

closermag.frA screengrab from Closer's web site.

PARIS/LONDON — French magazine Closer unleashed a new media
tornado on Britain’s royal family on Friday with a five-page splash of
photos showing the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, sunbathing
topless with Prince William in the south of France.

Closer, a weekly round-up of celebrity gossip, ran a dozen shots of
the Duchess as she slipped off her bikini top, relaxed on a sun lounger
and at one point pulled down the back of her bikini bottoms as William
rubs sun cream on her.

Under the headline “Oh my God!”, the photos show the couple, whose
regal yet natural conduct since their April wedding has won them fans
worldwide, soaking up the sun on the balcony of a 19th century hunting
lodge, oblivious to lurking paparazzi.

The spread is a blow to Buckingham Palace as it tries to move on from
a scandal over naked shots of Prince Harry that tarred an image
bolstered by Kate and William’s wedding, the Queen’s 2012 Diamond
Jubilee and her Olympic Games appearance.

While Closer defended its decision to publish the
photographs, a royal spokesperson called it a grotesque move that had
upset the royal couple, currently touring southeast Asia, and said
Buckingham Palace was consulting lawyers.
“Their Royal Highnesses have been hugely saddened to learn that a
French publication and a photographer have invaded their privacy in such
a grotesque and totally unjustifiable manner,” a spokesperson for St
James’ Palace said.

“Their Royal Highnesses had every expectation of privacy in the
remote house. It is unthinkable that anyone should take such
photographs, let alone publish them.”

Closer’s editor-in-chief Laurence Pieau described the photos as a
“beautiful series” that showed a couple in love and were in no way
degrading. She said the magazine had more intimate shots from the same
series that it opted not to publish.

“There’s been an over-reaction to these photos. What we see is a
young couple, who just got married, who are very much in love, who are
splendid,” Pieau told French BFM television.

“She’s a real 21st Century princess,” she added: “It’s a young woman
who is topless, the same as you can see on any beach in France or around
the world.”

Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer Kate-4

REUTERS/Tim ChongCatherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, visits the Kranji Commonwealth War Cemetery in Singapore September 13, 2012.


Closer, published by Italian company Mondadori, would likely
lose any legal case over invasion of privacy, although profits from the
issue would likely far exceed any fine faced, likely just a few
thousand euros.

“It’s without a doubt an invasion of privacy,” said Christopher Mesnooh, a U.S. lawyer who practices in France.

“They were on vacation in a friend’s chateau. There was no
expectation the press would be there. So visibly they have been damaged
by the fact the pictures were taken and it is likely a French court
would rule in that direction.”

The publication — which set off a stream of mostly angry commentary
on twitter — reopens a debate over the privacy of Britain’s royal family
and the freedom of the press weeks after a U.S. website published
grainy photos of William’s younger brother Harry cavorting naked in a
Las Vegas hotel room.

“Harry started the fashion: these days the Windsors take their
clothes off,” the French magazine quipped in the photo spread, which it
claimed as a world exclusive on the couple’s mini-vacation in early

Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer Prince-harry-naked-las-vegas-pictures-the-sun-cover-20122

Daniel Sorabji / AFP / GettyImages“Today
The Sun is publishing the make Prince Harry party pictures our readers
have been prevented from seeing in print," reads an explanation on
Friday's cover. "We are doing so despite warnings from the Royal
Family’s lawyers," it reads.
Dubbing the affair “nipplegate” in some cases, a torrent of Twitter
commentary on both sides of the English Channel mostly chided Closer for running the shots.

A spoof account for Queen Elizabeth, @Queen tUK, which has nearly a
million followers, tweeted “Dear The Sun, Don’t even sodding think about
it,” in a mock threat to the British tabloid newspaper that published
the nude photos of Prince Harry.

The photos of Harry stained a positive image the Royal family has
carefully crafted as it worked to turn the page on Princess Diana’s
death in 1997 and a raft of scandals at the time including Prince
Andrew’s ex-wife Sarah Ferguson having her toes sucked by a U.S.
businessman as she sunbathed topless.

Royal sources said the photo spread was a flashback to the paparazzi
chases of Princess Diana, William’s mother, making it even more painful
for him. “There is a feeling of anger and disbelief,” one source said.
“We feel there has been a red line crossed with regard to publishing
these images.”

William and Kate were staying at the Chateau d’Autet near
Aix-en-Provence in the Luberon region, whose picture-postcard villages,
rolling lavender fields and vineyards have made it a favourite getaway
spot for wealthy foreigners.

At one point the Duchess, clearly recognisable in the slightly fuzzy
images, stands up and partly peels down her bikini bottoms as William
rubs sun lotion on her back.

“The last time we saw Kate and William on a balcony it was for their
wedding. But they had more clothes on,” reads one photo caption. Another
says: “People always say she doesn’t need to dress up to look good.
Well … Kate is proving this.”

Closer said Kate was also spotted smoking a cigarette on the
way out of Marseille airport, where the pair arrived on a commercial

Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer Kate-5

Adam Pretty/Getty Images Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge watches the swimming finals session on Day 7 of the London 2012 Olympic Games

Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer 30_12_1213568613711
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
المساعد الإداري
المساعد الإداري

رقم العضوية : 100
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/09/2008
عدد الرسائل : 30155
الموقع : https://genevaa.yoo7.com
*** : Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer Lsv69280

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Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer AwF10321

Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer BA834353

Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer K4y00121

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Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer 06_08_1213442469921
نقاط : 41430

Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer   Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer Emptyالأحد سبتمبر 16, 2012 6:29 pm

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Royals ‘saddened’ after topless Kate Middleton photos published in French tabloid Closer
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